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Our Team

We are a group of students from Wellesley Highschool who have decided to come together to help out our community during this stressful time. Covid-19 poses a high risk to certain members in our town, and therefore those people would not be able to leave the house, even for buying groceries and supplies. 


So, we created a program through which volunteers would be matched with at-risk members who would purchase essential goods and groceries to be delivered. This platform was designed for residents of Wellesley to collaborate in a way that both potential volunteers and customers could sign up through our google form and join the fight against Covid-19. All you have to do is sign up to volunteer or tell us if you need us to purchase something for you! Thank you for your time, and stay safe. 


Additionally, we understand that there is a monument of trust that must be built for this program to successfully aid and adhere to standard social distancing protocols as issued by the state of Massachusetts. Our project is managed by WHS students who acknowledge and understand the importance of social distancing. 


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